We get asked a lot of questions about our heat reflective coatings, as you might expect. Here are some of the more common questions and their answers. If you have a question that’s not answered here, feel free to ask it in the comment or send us an email, and we’ll include it in an update to this article.
Is heat reflective paint more expensive than normal roof paint?
Yes it is. It costs around $80 more for a standard 15 litre drum than ordinary roof paint. This equates to $5.33 per litre more expensive than the normal stuff.
Is it toxic? Is it environmentally friendly?
Dulux heat reflective paint is water-based and therefore eco-friendly. It is non toxic – once you have treated your roof you can still use roof water runoff into your water tank as you would do normally (ie if you use your water tank water for drinking, you can continue to do so).
Does it degrade with bat poo/possum poo/bird poo etc?
Of course all paint, including the paint on your car for example, can be affected by various substances. We recommend you perform regular maintenance on your roof to keep it in good condition, ideally every two years (see below).
How long does the paint last?
The heat reflective coating lasts for a minimum of ten years as long as it is regularly maintained (see below for warranty information).
Is it poisonous to bats/possums/birds that land on it generally/when it is drying?
As stated above it is non-toxic and relatively quick drying, so wildlife should not be affected.
Is it worth getting if I have solar panels?
Solar panels generally only cover a fraction of the roof space that is exposed to sunlight – perhaps up to two-thirds in most domestic installations. This still leaves at least a third of your roof which is letting heat from the sun transmit through to the inside of the building.
This heat then has to be dealt with by your air conditioning, which needs to use electricity – albeit perhaps generated by your solar panels – to do this. If your roof is covered with a heat reflective roof coating then the power generated by your solar cells can be put back into the grid or used for other devices. If you do have a large solar array on your roof, the other advantage is that you will not need as much reflective paint for your roof, so it will be even more affordable!
Is the colour of the coating important?
Yes – the whiter the better in terms of heat reflective ability – even though heat reflective coatings are available in a variety of colours for aesthetic reasons, the darker the colour the smaller the percentage of the visible light spectrum reflected.
In order to maintain your roof treatment ten year warranty you must clean your roof every two years (a roof clean costs from around $400, depending on the size of your roof).
Let us know if you have any other questions not answered here…
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