Roof Restoration for Metal Roofs
Metal roofing come in different forms
It can be Galvanised, Zincalume or precoated metal.
The colours will fade after years of exposure to the wind,rain and sun. The paint may become powdery and the powder wash away in the rain and wind.
Rust may begin to appear
It all adds up to deterioration in the appearance of the roof of your home.
What can you do about it?
You could get a new roof….. but this is expensive and you would still have a sizzling hot roof
or you could call Scott at The Cool Roof.
You would then
Improve the appearance of your roof
Your house would be much cooler
You would save $$$ big time
Scott would inspect your roof for any damage.
and also
- remove any rust with a wire brush.
- replace any roofing sheets which were too damaged.
- pressure clean the roof in an environmentally friendly manner.
- apply Zinc phosphate to combat the remaining rust
- apply a GI metal primer (the appropriate one for your type of roof
- apply Dulux® InfraCOOL™ paint ( in the colour of your choice).
This would improve the appearance of the roof of your home and also reflect most of the sun’s UV rays which are the main cause of the heat build up in your home in Brisbane’s extreme heat conditions.
Less heat in your home means less cooling costs to you….. more big savings
Call Scott NOW on 0416064942